Health Humanities Lab Projects Collaboration
The HRC Health Humanities Lab fosters interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research collaborations that center on better understanding and critiquing the systematic and structural inequities that produce health and healthcare disparities, and on imagining and enacting alternatives. The goal is to bring together fresh perspectives from the humanities, arts, and social sciences, as well as from the Richmond community and beyond, to advance individual and communal well being. LEARN MORE
Faculty/Community Fellows
The Health Humanities Lab Faculty and Community Fellowship provides funding for scholars, providers, and community activists to better understand and challenge the systematic and structural inequities that produce health inequities. The current fellows are working on the Black Maternal Health Project, exploring issues of Black maternal health, maternal morbidity, and bereavement. LEARN MORE.

Student Fellows
The Health Humanities Lab offers a number of fellowships to graduate and undergraduate students in the Arts or College of Humanities and Sciences with an interest in the humanist study of healthcare and health disparities. The undergraduate and graduate student fellows develop their own research projects and work closely with the lab director.
The current fellows are supporting the work of the East Marshall Street Well Oral History Project, working with community leaders to tell their stories about representing the descendent community of ancestors subjected to medical racism and efforts to address health inequities in a variety of digital media formats. LEARN MORE.